About Sarah

Sarah Ann May was born on May 7th, 1977. In her first
year of life she was diagnosed with CerebralPalsy, but that never slowed her down. Sarah attended public school and
went on to Northwest College where she graduated with a BA. She was loyal to
her church, family, and friends.
Sarah loved children and dedicated her life to making others
happy, especially children. Sarah had nieces and many little cousins whom she
adored. Every birthday she would buy the children gifts, her favorite was
Christmas time, where she would buy them stockings and fill them up!
At the young age of 32, Sarah was diagnosed with tongue cancer.
She had surgery to remove part of her tongue and the lymph nodes in her neck.
She went through Chemo therapy and radiation, but it was unsuccessful. She
passed away on December 26th, 2010.
Sarah had said that if she beat Cancer she would spend her time
in Cancer centers helping children. Well I am not going to let Cancer win…I am
going to keep her promise and carry it on for her!
Sarah would always buy her loved ones Silly Socks. I do not think Sarah ever owned a pair of white socks. Every time I see Silly Socks it reminds me of
her, it was part of her. This is where the idea of Sarahs Silly Socks came
Children are often stuck in their hospital beds with nothing to wear but their gown and socks. Now they can have pair of Silly Socks to brighten
their day, in memory of my cousin, my best friend, Sarah.
For more information on Sarah, Please
check out the ‘About Sarah’ tab