Thursday, December 26, 2013

Celebrating Sarah today!

(pics of me and Sarah growing up...she is with the dark hair)

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Today marks the day 3 years ago today when Sarah went to be with the Lord.

Remember if you are out and about look for silly socks on clearance! 

Sarahs Silly Socks

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday donation!

I currently work for the Issaquah School District and there is a drive for children in need this holiday season of socks. So....Sarahs Silly Socks has stepped in! 

Kids this holiday season will have a brighter smile with their silly socks and warm feet. The donation was hosted by The Bear Club at Briarwood Elementary school. The donations are for a “going to bed” theme for Eastside Baby Corner ( This means items kids need to get ready for bed: i.e. Pajamas,  toothbrush/paste, books, socks etc. 

I have 52 pairs ready to go!

Sarahs Silly Socks

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

God Bless you Talia!

Please pray for this sweet little girl's friends and family,
Talia has earned her wings today:)

You will be misses sweet girl!

Sarahs Silly Socks

Friday, May 31, 2013

Look what I got in the mail from kids at the Hutch school!

I received cute letters from the kids at the Hutch school in Seattle! I love them! I know Sarah would be so happy to see their smiles and gratitude! So nice to see a glimpse of her through children she touches even after she is gone!

(I blew them up big so you can read the writing!

Sarahs Silly Socks

Monday, April 22, 2013

A final note from the Hutch School!

Just got a final email from the Hutch school and here is what they said, 
"Thank you again – I heard the delivery was quite a success!  I spoke with our child life specialist and it sounds like the delivery via the school ended up to be the better option for distribution to our kids.  So, the socks were able to reach our pediatric patients, their siblings and children of our adult patients.
 Thank you for all that you are doing!  I am sure your cousin would be so proud!"

This made my day!

I am looking into some other organizations that Sarah had visited when she was going through chemo and such. If anyone knows of any other great organizations around the Seattle area that would benefit from socks please let me know!

Thanks friends and family

Sarahs Silly Socks

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Hutch School...First donation!

The first donation has been completed! 

My husband and I left the house at 8:00am (weren't sure on traffic) to get to the Hutch school at 9:00am.
I put on Sarah's Bracelet and....

...packed up the car with the socks....

...and headed to Seattle...and today it was not raining!...

...we got there early because traffic was not bad, so we waited and saw some of the kids arrive... 9:00am we entered the Hutch School...

...we met the great staff and kids from Kindergarten to High School, we did introductions, the kids each told us where they live and which one of their family members are patients with cancer...

...then we got to tell about Sarah and the socks and got to pass them out to the kids!
We did not have enough for the older boys, so we went downtown Seattle and got them some cool Nike socks:) The girls really liked the fuzzy soft socks:) They were all so nice!

Click the link to find out more about the Hutch School
 Click the following links for ways to help the Hutch School:

Sarahs Silly Socks

Monday, April 8, 2013

It's time for the first donation!

It's TIME!

Today was the last preparation day for the 1st big donation tomorrow!

I was trying to find a way to get the card with the website on each sock, and I came up with Easter grass!
It is already cut and sturdy enough to attach to each sock! 
And because I am Frugal ...(those that have seen my other blog:)...I went to Target today and bought 6 bags for $0.05/each bag at 90% clearance!

It took about 3 hours to attach to each pair of sock, but well worth it!

Here is how it looked on each sock!

Here are some more pictures of the 'Adding the card process and putting them into zip lock baggies according to size!'

Now we are ready to go! Stay tuned tomorrow for pictures from the first donation! So excited!


141 new socks donated! WHOOOO HOOOOO!

Yeah! We have had 4 great people donate socks this month!

Leah the bus driver donated 1 pair of silly socks
Sarah's Aunt Wendy donated 49 pairs of socks
Sarah's mom donated 70 pairs of socks
and Sarah's cousin Sean donated 21 pairs!



Sunday, March 31, 2013


I am smiling ear to ear!

I will be donating 70 socks to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance on April 9th!

I will be going to there in the morning to drop them off!

What a special day this will be:)

I will be inserting this card in each pair of socks... let those who receive socks to come back and share and know more about Sarah:)

Sarahs Silly Socks

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I ordered Business Cards to go into socks!

So I just got done ordering business cards
I paid $3.75 for 500 cards on vistaprint (but I did have to pay for faster shipping since I need them fast!)

I am going to put a card in each pair of socks that go out to children!

It lists the website and the email address so the families that receive socks can visit us!
That way they can visit the blog and know how much we pray and care for them!

Sarahs Silly Socks

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I heard back from Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and they said:

"Our Hutch School would love 20 pairs (students ages K-12th grade) and our pediatric transplant clinic would love 50 pairs (toddler to teen sizes).  I am not sure what quantity you had in mind, so please let us know.  The staff were very excited about this."

Guess what....we have 80 pairs of silly socks (I must of miscounted earlier) 
and SCCA wants/needs 70!

Boys socks (kids shoe size 9-2.5) - 10pair
Boys slippers (kids shoe size 5/6) - 4 pair
Girls socks (kids small shoe size 9-13) - 18 pair
Girls slippers (kids S/M shoe size 8-13) - 6 pair
Girl slippers (kids M/L shoe size 13-5) - 9 pair
Girl socks (kids M/L shoe size 13-5) - 16 pair
Woman tube  socks -(size 4-10) - 3 pair
Woman socks (one size) - 14 pair

How cool is that!

Please keep the silly socks coming in!

We are in real need of boy silly socks
 and toddler girl/boy sizes 

If you would like to mail silly socks
please email me at:
for information 

There are more places in mind to donate, and I would like to keep the silly socks coming in for SCCA so we can replenish a few times a year!

I hope to get pictures and feedback from the patients if they will allow to show you all the smiles:)

Thank you all for all your donations and prayers....Sarah would be so happy!

Love you all


Sarahs Silly Socks

19 more socks donated!

My friend Carrie donated 19 pairs of boy and girls socks! Remember to check those clearance isles to score great deals and more socks!

We are now up to 73 pairs of socks!

Sarahs Silly Socks

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Were almost ready to launch!


We are one step closer to getting these socks out the cute little children battling cancer!

I got an email today from Seattle Cancer Care alliance volunteer services saying their child life specialist has been out of the office and will return with in a few days. She said the principal of the Hutch School (for child patients and siblings) are very interested in receiving socks!

I am waiting to hear how we will work out the arrangements! I am so excited!

Thanks for all your donations, thoughts, and prayers!

Sarahs Silly Socks

Friday, March 1, 2013

Update on donations site!

I have emailed Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and they have forwarded my email to the volunteer coordinator.

Sarah spent some time at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and they have over 200 children ages 0-18 come in and out each year.

Once I hear from the coordinator we will come up with a plan on how to donate the socks.

I know when my son was admitted to Sweedish hospital in Seattle to have his appendix out he got a quilt donated from a lady...I am wondering if every 3 months we could drop off socks and when a new cancer patient checks in they are able to give them the socks? Or we may have to bring them ourselves? I wouldn't mind handing them out to the kiddos:)

Still learning how this all works!

If anyone has ideas or knows how some of these processes works PLEASE LET ME KNOW:)

You can either reply to this post or send and email to

Excited to move forward:)


Thursday, February 28, 2013

We are up to 54 socks!

Here are 2 socks donated by my friend Carrie Robinson!

Here are 14 pairs of slipper socks donated by me, cousin Shannon and Aunt Wendy!

This brings our total to 54 socks! Yeah!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2 pairs donated by Carley!

Thanks to Carley who donated these 2 pair of cute little socks! She is also getting her drama class it!

That brings our count up to 38!
